Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

5 of 5 stars

This book was great! First, let me say I grew up in a house of car enthusiasts. My father worked for GM and we always had Camaros around that he was fixing up. My husband is a mechanic and he drives the same car as Max does (Subaru WRX). So, this book was right up my alley! That being said, its enjoyable even to non car people, I promise! I loved Leigh. I felt that she was so realistic. Her fear and her emotions were so believable and I really liked the way she handled them-she runs away at first but begins to admit them as the book goes on. It was a great character development.
Oh and Max. Swoon. You think he is a manwhore but the things he says to Leigh will melt any frozen heart.
Beth, Aaron, Sugar, Causey, and Leigh's dad all were great supporting characters that help Leigh so much. It really is a well written story! Hot cars, hot guys, and a girl mechanic/racer-its all good!
My full review can be found at

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  • Started reading
  • 17 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 17 July, 2015: Reviewed