The Last Guardian by Eoin Colfer

The Last Guardian (Artemis Fowl, #8)

by Eoin Colfer

Seemingly nothing in this world daunts the young criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl. In the fairy world, however, there is a small thing that has gotten under his skin on more than one occasion: Opal Koboi. In The Last Guardian, the evil pixie is wreaking havoc yet again. This time his arch rival has reanimated dead fairy warriors who were buried in the grounds of Fowl Manor. Their spirits have possessed Artemis’s little brothers, making his siblings even more annoying than usual. The warriors don’t seem to realize that the battle they were fighting when they died is long over. Artemis has until sunrise to get the spirits to vacate his brothers and go back into the earth where they belong. Can he count on a certain LEPrecon fairy to join him in what could well be his last stand?

New York Times best-selling author and comic genius Eoin Colfer will leave Artemis Fowl fans gasping up to the very end of this thrilling finale to the blockbuster series.

Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on

5 of 5 stars

In this final installment of the Artemis Fowl series, Eoin Colfer takes on a roller coaster of a ride. Opal is back with a vengeance and a plan to destroy humanity. Just like [a:J.K. Rowling|1077326|J.K. Rowling|] did in [b:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows|136251|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7)|J.K. Rowling||2963218], Colfer takes you to the edge of your seat wondering if humanity will survive this final Koboi plot. Fans of series will be pleased with the book's ending as it shows how much Artemis has grown and changed over the course of eight books. It might be handy to keep the kleenex nearby.

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  • 5 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 5 August, 2012: Reviewed