Reviewed by whisperingchapters on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

Dani is a single mom who gave up dating so she could focus on her son, Noah. She doesn't have a good record with men so she steers clear from them since she's always attracted to the bad boys. While Dani is a great mom, she's always doubting herself because she had her son at a young age so she's always guarded when it comes to her son.

Tyler is a player. He doesn't want to commit because he likes playing the field. Aside from that, he's actually a great guy who works with at-risk teens. He likes to take advantage of every opportunity to help someone or simply to live life. When he meets Dani, he can't help but be very attracted to her. But there's something more there that he'd like to explore.

Having loved One Lucky Hero, I knew I needed to read Hero of Mine. However, this sequel lacked the charm of the first book, but it was still a great read. I really liked the realistic take on single moms. Dani used to have friends she'd hang out with. After having Noah, she had to stop going out and realize that being a mother was a major responsibility and it meant putting someone else before herself. I didn't like that she would come off as a little rude when someone would ask her a question about Noah. She felt like they were judging her on her parenting.

I really liked Tyler. Even though he's the player, in this book, he doesn't do much playing. Once he starts seeing Dani, he knows what he wants and he knows he'd be stupid enough to screw it up. I love reading about a player slowly leaving that persona to settle down. It always brings a smile to my face when they realize they have feelings for someone. This book was no exception to that.

Noah's addition to the story was actually great. We have this player guy who doesn't want to commit but life throws a single mom at him with the cutest son who takes a liking to Tyler almost immediately. Their relationship blossomed throughout the entire novel. Reading about Tyler wanting to protect this little guy from anything and everything as well as his mom warmed my heart.

Once again, the Alpha Dog Program is very present in this book, which I loved. It also feels so realistic. It's a program where wounded soldiers go to help at-risk teens and help them get better through whatever they are going through. Codi Gary has a way with words and for creating a wonderful story-line involving the military that was very well done. Ever since she talked about ADP in her first novel, I kept wanting more and I definitely got more. I cannot wait to find out what else the author has in store for this program in the following book.

Overall, Hero of Mine is a heart-warming and sizzling romance story with just the right amount of angst.

I received an eARC from the publisher for free in exchange for my honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

This review was originally posted on Latte Nights Reviews.

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  • 24 June, 2016: Reviewed