Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

5 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to Bookouture for letting me take part in this tour. As you may know crime thrillers have become a recent favourite of mine so when I saw this one I jut had to read it.

This story is about DI Katie Rhodes and her old partner Nathan Radley. Katie and Nathan haven't seen each other in almost a year but when 2 recent murders look to be personal to Katie and Nathan she knows she needs his help to solve them.

Katie's life has been spiralling in the last year. She's not the same person she was when Nathan last saw her. Katie has been doubting her instinct. Her work has slipped and she's on the verge of being fired. Katie is a likeable character and it's easy to feel for her when you start to learn about her past.

Nathan has spent the last year alone and following a routine that he thinks will help stave off his desires. Nathan is petrified of his own mind and what might happen if he gives into his own desires. Nathan is extremely clever and has a high attention to detail. I suspect he has a photographic memory but this wasn't specifically mentioned. I actually just felt really sorry for Nathan. I can't imagine feeling like you couldn't trust your own mind.

There is a lovely little prologue and then you are thrown right into the action. As the story unfolds you start to get more of a back story on the characters and their relationships.

This book is dark and twisty. There were many twists and turns that I didn't see coming. At some points I was covering my eyes because the tension was so high and I couldn't cope. Nick had me right on the edge of my seat in the final moments. I really felt like I was there watching all the action.

I thought this book was very clever and I look forward to seeing where the series goes.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 24 March, 2018: Reviewed