Among the Nameless Stars by Diana Peterfreund

Among the Nameless Stars (For Darkness Shows the Stars, #0.5)

by Diana Peterfreund

Before Kai joined the Cloud Fleet, he wandered… AMONG THE NAMELESS STARS

Four years before the events of FOR DARKNESS SHOWS THE STARS, the servant Kai left the North Estate, the only home he’d ever known, and Elliot North, the only girl he ever loved, in search of a better life. But the journey was not an easy one.

Featuring narrow escapes, thrilling boat races and at least one deadly volcanic wasteland.

Reviewed by Artemis on

3 of 5 stars

Excellent little backstory for Kai from For Darkness Shows the Stars. I enjoyed this small story illustrating the transition Kai made to Captain Malakai.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 1 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 1 July, 2015: Reviewed