Reviewed by Cameron Trost on

4 of 5 stars

Matthew Tait invites us to visit Cyclone Cove, a coastal community whose bizarre inhabitants and creepy landmarks have all crept out of the author's gothic imagination. This story starts like a macabre fairy-tale. And yet somehow, it manages to ring true, giving you that creeping feeling that it could all be real - that Cyclone Cove could be just down the road from your town.

As the plot unfolds and the tension builds, terrifying events of biblical proportion take place. Biblical, in a strange way, is an adjective that describes the feeling that "Davey Ribbon" gives. This novel is rich in esoteric symbolism and cult mentality. The author has created a tale that imitates and criticises religious mythology.

If you haven't read Matthew Tait before, start with this and then go back and read all his work.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2017: Reviewed