Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Gift from the Sea (Bookbound, Wire-O, & Coptic Journals) (Large Print) (Linford Inspirational Library)

by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

50th ANNIVERSARY EDITION • With meditations on youth and age, love and marriage, peace, solitude, and contentment, here is an inimitable classic that guides us to find a space for contemplation and creativity in our own lives.

"Gift from the Sea is like a shell itself in its small and perfect form ... It tells of light and life and love and the security that lies at the heart." —New York Times Book Review

Drawing inspiration from the the shells on the shore, Lindbergh's musings on the shape of a woman's life will bring new understanding to readers, male and family, at any stage of life. A mother of five and professional writer, she casts an unsentimental eye at the trappings of modern life that threaten to overwhelm us—the timesaving gadgets that complicate our lives, the overcommitments that take us from our families.

With great wisdom and insight she describes the shifting shapes of relationships and marriage, presenting a vision of a life lived in enduring and evolving partnership. A groundbreaking work when it was first published, this book has retained its freshness as it has been rediscovered by generations of readers and is no less current today.

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

4 of 5 stars

“The world today does not understand, in either man or woman, the need to be alone.”

This book gave me my New Years resolution for 2019. I need alone time by the days, weeks, and months, but what do I do when alone time isn’t possible in the quantities I need? This is all something I was asking my aunt, who gave me this book, which echoes my conviction that alone time is not only a good thing, it’s essential for survival. But also, in this book, Anne Lindbergh comments that one reason social interaction is exhausting is because we’re insincere.

That rings true with me. And so that’s my goal for the year. Be less insincere. See if that alleviates some of the exhaustion of people.

That, and as much glorious solitude as I can possibly get.

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  • 14 January, 2019: Reviewed