The Safe-Keeper's Secret by Sharon Shinn

The Safe-Keeper's Secret

by Sharon Shinn

Fiona is Safe-Keeper in the small village of Tambleham, where neighbors and strangers alike come one by one, in secret, to tell her things they dare not share with anyone else.

Reviewed by ladygrey on

4 of 5 stars

I don't quite know how to express how wonderful this book is. I'm amazed at what a complete and well developed world [author:Sharon Shinn] is able to craft in such a small book. But she does a fantastic job giving me characters to care deeply about and mysteries and lyrical writing and a really fascinating world and intriguing plot. All in a very quick read.

I would love to read more stories in this world. Maybe even find out what comes next.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 29 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 29 April, 2012: Reviewed