The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting

The Body Finder (Body Finder, #1)

by Kimberly Derting

High school junior Violet uses her uncanny ability to sense murderers and their victims to try to stop a serial killer who is terrorizing her town, and although her best friend and would-be boyfriend Jay promises to keep her safe, she becomes a target.

Reviewed by e_rodz_leb on

5 of 5 stars

I love this book. The characters were dicussed in depth and were belivable. I like that there was no agonizing romantic triangle and that her family and best friend new that she had special abilities and accepted it. It's a nice change to not have the self doubts, other than the tipical high school drama. I am looking forward to the second book!

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  • 6 June, 2010: Reviewed