Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

When I started CONSUME ME, I didn't think I was going to end up liking Blaze. But Ryan Michele has a way of writing these hard women and making me like them. CONSUME ME was no different.

Blaze has been on the run from the demons of her past. That running has led her to X, the Ravage MC's strip club. She enjoys the anonymity that comes with her stage persona while keeping herself closed off from everyone else. But it's a lonely life for Blaze. She fights making any kind of connection with any of her co-workers, her boss or any of the brothers that come in because she doesn't want to be heartbroken should she need to run again. I could understand that, give what she was running from, but it made it hard to connect with Blaze.

Tug was great. Like the other brothers, there was more to Tug that just being in the MC. He joined that brotherhood looking for a place where he belonged. Where no one judged him based on what he'd done in the past.

With all the women the MC has at their disposal, it was almost as if like souls called to each other with Tug and Blaze. She fought his pursuit and he chased. He proved to her that she could trust in him to be there for her always. To protect her and to love her. They were definitely hot together and just proved to Blaze she should have gotten out of her own way much sooner.

Another enjoyable entry into the Ravage MC series. Ryan Michele gives us these alpha males that are all about the brotherhood and their women, without the guys coming off as complete a-holes most of the time. This is an MC series that I truly enjoy.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 January, 2015: Reviewed