Geek Girls Unite by Leslie Simon

Geek Girls Unite

by Leslie Simon

In recent years, male geeks have taken the world by storm: They've become unexpected sex symbols (Seth Rogen and Michael Cera); they've penned pieces of literary brilliance (Rest in peace, David Foster Wallace); they've even reinvented the art of modern cinema (Kudos, Coen brothers!) But what about their female counterparts? After all, fangirls are just like fanboys - they put on their imperial stormtrooper Lycra pants one leg at a time. "Geek Girls Unite" is a call to arms for every girl who has ever wondered where her rebel sisters have gone. It's also a sassy, savvy celebration of all the women who are busy bucking convention and making the world a smarter, better, and, yes, cooler place. Each chapter is dedicated to a crosssection of the geek elite-fangirls, music fanatics, bookworms, craft mavens, funny girls, film buffs, and others - and looks at groundbreaking women, geek hall-of-famers, ultimate love matches, and most likely frenemies. Along with fun quizzes, illustrations, and trivia boxes, each group also gets tailored recommendations for playlists, books, movies, and websites.
Fun, funny, and ultimately empowering, this is the perfect book for women of any age who've felt like they're on the outside looking includes.

Reviewed by Hillary on

3 of 5 stars


I am a hardcore geek. play games, I read fantasy and sci-fi. I watch firefly and star trek and all those geeky shows. I read comics and I know all of Joss Whedon's work by heart. So when I saw this book on scribed I was wondering how the author would describe us, feel girls.

She brings up a good point that women in the geeky circles face a lot of discrimination. WE have all heard the stories of fat shaming at cons and all of that. I wish it wasn't true but alas it is. When people find out that I am a hardcore gamer they usually don't know what to say. I think that this is an important issue to bring up and discuss.

I felt that this part of the book was well written. I agreed with the hardcore geeks and the book geeks. I, however, had a hard time believing that women who are good at decorating are geeks but maybe that's me discriminating. I need to examine this in myself.

The book is mainly written for people who are not geeks so to me all of this was stuff I already knew so I was kinda bored reading this. If you are not a geek and you are curious to the inside world of the geeks then this book is for you.This review was originally posted on Adventures in Never Never Land

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  • 14 August, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 August, 2015: Reviewed