Reviewed by Inkslinger on
As a loyal reader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series, I couldn't wait to read the new books. I'd fallen behind, largely due to lack of time, but this was so worth the wait.
Now, that isn't to say this book doesn't have a few small issues. It does. But they're minor, often barely noticeable, and let's face it. I adore the family contained within. I'm willing to forgive just about anything as long as Ward remembers who she's dealing with. There have been times in the past, where I felt she lost touch with her characters. Or perhaps, just never understood them on the really visceral level.
This isn't one of those times--
(Rest of the review available on
Reading updates
- Started reading
- 11 October, 2015: Finished reading
- 11 October, 2015: Reviewed