The Gathering Storm by Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson

The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time, #12)

by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson

Now a major TV series on Prime Video

The twelfth novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.

Tarmon Gai'don, the Last Battle, looms. And mankind is not ready.

Rand al'Thor struggles to unite a fractured network of kingdoms and alliances in preparation for the Last Battle, as his allies watch in terror the shadow that seems to be growing within the heart of the Dragon Reborn himself.

Egwene al'Vere is a captive of the White Tower and subject to the whims of their tyrannical leader. She works to hold...

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Reviewed by sleepseeker on

5 of 5 stars

I was so sad to hear that Robert Jordan had died and was wondering if the series would ever finish. I was wondering how Brandon Sanderson would do and I was pleasantly surprised at how well he did and I'm glad that the series got finished and I was able to see what happened to the characters.

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  • 25 April, 2011: Reviewed