A Woman without Lies by Elizabeth Lowell

A Woman without Lies

by Elizabeth Lowell

Was she ready to risk her hard-won serenity for a man who might no longer believe in love? After the tragic death of her family and the man she loved, Angel had worked hard to find peace and tranquillity, Facing the world head on, she emerged a woman of uncompromising integrity and honesty. Meeting Hawk had been a shock: here was a man who could destroy the calm she had fought so hard to preserve with one careless look or gesture. Hawk claimed not to be capable of love; he was only interested in the chase, but Angel sensed that behind his cool and ruthless exterior was a vuinerable man, and it was this man that she was prepared to risk everything to love.

Reviewed by ibeforem on

2 of 5 stars

I have a hard time reviewing romances because I really don’t read them that often. One thing I noticed about this book is that it started exactly how the other Elizabeth Lowell book I’ve read started: The main man and woman meet each other right off the bat and hate each other but have instant chemistry. This was alright I guess, as far as romances go. I got a little tired of the constant references to one being an angel and the other a hawk.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 December, 2006: Finished reading
  • 26 December, 2006: Reviewed