Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan

Boy Meets Boy

by David Levithan

Love meets love. Confusion meets clarity. Boy meets boy.

To be together with someone for twenty years seems like an eternity. I can’t seem to manage twenty days…

How do you stay together?

Paul has been gay his whole life and he’s confident about almost everything. He doesn’t have to hide his feelings like best friend Tony or even cope with loving the wrong guy like his other best friend Joni.

But heartbreak can happen to anyone. Falling in love changes everything.

Reviewed by mrs_mander_reads on

3 of 5 stars

Definitely not my favorite Levithan. I listened to the full-cast recording and, honestly, was kind of bored. It just didn't move quickly enough for me.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 21 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 21 February, 2018: Reviewed