Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

3 of 5 stars

It has been no secret that I am in love with this series. Today, as I finished this book, my love came to a SCREECHING halt. Branford is getting a concubine.

If you know me at all, you know the one thing I don't handle in books is cheating of any kind. Not even the Ross Gellar "We were on a break" shit. It is the reason I have always struggled with Historical Romance and why I avoided it for years. It was much more common in HR for a man to be less than faithful; yes, I understand that it was customary of the times, blah blah blah. I don't read for historical accuracy. Just like I don't read contemporary romance and expect it to be 100% realistic! I read to escape; I can't escape if the hero, no matter what the circumstances, is having sex with someone other than the heroine.

But, let me back up, because the concubine is quite literally the last line in the book. Up to that point you see the relationship with Alexandra and Branford grow into love. He goes to war and things change for his kingdom. I enjoyed the story overall, but it wasn't my favorite of the series. And then the concubine bombshell (concu-shell?) was dropped and I almost threw my kindle. My husband convinced me to see reason and reminded me that I can't afford another kindle right now. Stupid logic...

Now what do I do? I really am torn and super stressed about this!! Do I read the next book and risk getting my heart shattered and not being able to finish? Honestly, I don't know that I would ever be able to read another book without knowing the ending if it turns out badly. Do I stop reading at this point? I am seriously so frustrated! If he cheats, even to produce an heir, I will never be able to enjoy the story. Never. No matter what happens after that point, I will hate him. But, I hate him now because I am just assuming that he will cheat. See? I'm angry already!

Is it wrong to hunt an author down and demand a rewrite? Can someone please recommend a book to me that is light, fluffy, fun, and won't make me want to commit kindle-cide? Please! I am drowning in angst right now and I can't take it!

I am giving this book 3 stars because if I just hadn't read that last chapter, or discovered that the title of the the next book is "The Concubine", I was enjoying the story. Now, I am seriously upset. I never read books where there is cheating, so had I known before I started this series that book 5 would be called "The Concubine" I would have never picked it up. Everyone has things they refuse to read about and cheating is my 'thing-that-shall-not-be-occuring'. I don't want my fiction to be sad. I can't handle it.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 3 July, 2016: Reviewed