Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

I’ll admit that I was a little worried that Green Lanterns would end conclude, just like the Hal Jordan series has (though rumor has it we’ll be seeing something new soon), especially with seeing Jessica Cruz get wrapped up in another plot very far away from the corps. Thankfully that doesn’t appear to be the case. I can at least safely say that they’re finishing this plot, and they don’t seem to be rushing through it either, which is appreciated.
Now that we all know what was really going on here, it’s nice seeing the tricks that were played being actually recognized. While there were lots of loopholes used in this issue, they all made sense and were based on facts and events that were revealed in previous plots, so that was fine by me.
It looks like this plot may be heading back to earth – which isn’t terribly surprising, considering the antagonist and all. Still, it’s been a while since we’ve seen a major Green Lantern event occur there (and rightly so – they have quite a bit of territory to defend, and it can’t all be about earth). This could get interesting.
There were several epic moments in this issue, and I feel like most (but not all) of the main Green Lantern characters got a moment to shine here. Or at least had an opportunity for a quippy one-liner.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 October, 2018: Finished reading
  • 3 October, 2018: Reviewed