The Perfect Catch by Maggie Dallen

The Perfect Catch (Kissing the Enemy, #1)

by Maggie Dallen

He's her brother's best friend, her new softball coach, and now...her first kiss. Too bad he's also totally off-limits.

There's no doubt about it, Noah is avoiding Callie like the plague now that she's living in the dorms on his college campus. She'd hoped this weeklong softball clinic would help put their past awkwardness behind them--after all, he'd taught her everything she knows about the game. But her brother's best friend is more of a jerk than ever.

Until he kisses her.

And now...well, now she doesn't know what's going on between them. But it doesn't matter, not really. She's...

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Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

You know me. I LOVE sports romances, and this time, it's the heroine who is the sports hero. I enjoyed watching this softball player and her brother's best friend work through their feelings. There were some of those typical obstacles (the brother), but there were a few interesting developments too, as far as Mason went. I think it was the ending that put this book over the top for me. I live for endings like that.


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  • Started reading
  • 13 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2020: Reviewed