The Graces by Laure Eve

The Graces (The Graces, #1)

by Laure Eve

Picked for BBC Radio 2's Book Club

Everyone said the Graces were witches.
They moved through the corridors like sleek fish, ripples in their wake. Stares followed their backs and their hair.
They had friends, but they were just distractions. They were waiting for someone different.
All I had to do was show them that person was me.

Like everyone else in her town, River is obsessed with the Graces, attracted by their glamour and apparent ability to weave magic. But are they really what they seem? And are they more dangerous than they let on?

This beautifully-written thriller will grip you from its very first page.

Reviewed by katie on


I’ll take the blame myself for this one. I’ve got to stop reading the reviews that say “this book is for fans of ‘insert favorite book here’ and ‘insert favorite tv show here’!” because IT IS NEVER TRUE. (In case you were wondering, The Graces is apparently a perfect mix of We Were Liars and Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Even books that I really enjoy are never exactly the way they’re advertised when they’re marketed like that. So that’s a part of why I didn’t finish this book. But the biggest reason is...

British books that I didn’t realize were British confuse me. I’ll be reading, feeling like maybe I’m getting into a groove, and then all the sudden they’re going out to pubs (in high school, too, which… isn’t a pub like a bar?) and eating beans on toast. And I’m just staring off into the distance like… what?

So, yeah. The Graces was not the book for me. I did not finish it, so I cannot say with any authority that it does not get a million times better after the beginning, but I’ve decided to leave it. Maybe you can finish it. Maybe you’ll love it. I hope you do.

Well Wishes & Candy Fishes,

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  • 13 June, 2016: Reviewed