Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Ferns is an unusual book full of neat tutorials and culture information for ferns by Mobee Weinstein. Due out 8th Sept 2020 from Quarto on their Cool Springs Press imprint, it's 192 pages and will be available in hardcover format.

The layout is accessible and attractive. The introductory chapter includes interesting information about the evolution and historical uses of ferns. Following chapters cover botany and culture of ferns indoors and outdoors (including general needs and growth, as well as a gallery of specific ferns and their culture requirements), and a final chapter with 8 crafting tutorials including terraria, dish gardens, a really pretty tabletop centerpiece, and others.

The books is written clearly and well. The tutorials are well photographed and attractive with step by step instructions and process photos. The inclusion of a kokedama tutorial was especially appreciated and one I fully intend to make.

Five stars. Beautiful book. It would make a superlative selection for readers, makers groups, school and public libraries, and the like.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • Started reading
  • 16 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 16 August, 2020: Reviewed