Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

5 of 5 stars

Every once in a while you read a book with characters that touch you. It’s the kind of book you want to share with others. Spare Change is that type of book. It’s the story of a woman who fears marriage and children at a time when all women long to walk down the aisle. It is a beautiful, heartwarming tale about love, loss and unexpected gifts. It deals with a violent murder, a witness and those who wish to keep it a secret. Above all, this novel offers characters you won't soon forget.

Told from multiple points of view, this tale seeped from the pages and wrapped itself around my heart. I loved Crosby’s writing style. She took me into the mind of each character and with the character of Ethan Allen; she touched my heart. I am the mother of three and I had this overwhelming desire to scoop him up and hold him. Olivia cracked me up with her fears and superstitions and touched me with her bravery. Ethan Allen's mother is a memorable character who will shock you with her antics. The folks within the apartment community were delightful and I loved the way they protected Ethan Allen. While Spare Change, could have been delivered in a dark tragic tone; Crosby focuses’ on the strength of humankind and the power of faith and love.

I highly recommend Spare Change to everyone. I read this novel in a few hours, but it will stay with me a lifetime. In my opinion this novel could find itself on the classics bookshelf. This would make an excellent book of the month, as it is sure to create discussion and evoke emotions. I am adding Betty Lee Crosby to my list of must read authors. This novel is available in paper and eBook formats.

I want to thank the author for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my unbiased review.

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  • Started reading
  • 10 January, 2012: Finished reading
  • 10 January, 2012: Reviewed