Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

Following Trouble had me a bit annoyed in the beginning, but everything worked out in the end! At the end of Meeting Trouble, I was eager to see how Sabrina would navigate life as a rock star's girlfriend, especially when said rock star is going through a messy divorced. I was also intrigued by what happened to her best friend while she joined the band on tour. However, all of that took the backseat to pregnancy drama! I had noticed the lack of protection used in the first book, but since no one mentioned forgetting it, I figured it was just an oversight by the author and didn't worry. Well, I had reason to worry.

Following Trouble opens up with Rob noticing Sabrina is pregnant, and they're so surprised by this occurrence even though they have a ton of sex without protection. Duh, you guys! Come on! But there's really not a lot of drama in that regard, since it's a happy and welcome experience for both of them. At least until the end, but I won't spoil you on that. I was less annoyed than I thought I would be, but maybe I'm just getting to use the (stupidity caused) accidental pregnancy trope.

What I did really like about Following Trouble was the issue with Sabrina's friend Katie. She decided to go on the road with the band because she was seeing Tyler. Well, that trip ended up being a total bust! Katie got caught up in the rock star lifestyle and now she's paying for it dearly. I did want to see more of this, but it's not her book, so I understand why there wasn't. I am excited to see that she and Tyler do get a book later on though, so I'll definitely read it to see how that all turns out for them.

Let's not forget the divorce drama! Rob's wife is downright nasty! Of course, there was no prenup, so the proceedings are much more messy than they would have been otherwise. He's been trying to keep him and Sabrina out of the limelight, so Catherine can't try to twist it and use it against him. But either way, she's trying to get much more than she's entitled too. Then there's a twist! It's one of my favorite kind of twists! The whole "If I can't have you, no one can" twist! I loved it! It was over a bit too soon, but it also caused another twist I wasn't anticipating, so overall I think it worked really well.

I ended up enjoying Following Trouble more than I thought. Rob and Sabrina are just too darn cute together! We also learn a quite juicy piece of information, but then the book ends! I need to know more! Did he really do it?! Why?!

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  • 26 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 26 January, 2015: Reviewed