Waiting For Doggo by Mark Mills

Waiting For Doggo

by Mark Mills

In WAITING FOR DOGGO, it seems that Dan has needed someone to put his life in order...

No-one ever called Dan a pushover. But then no-one ever called him fast-track either. He's been with Clara for four years and he's been perfectly happy; but now she's left him, leaving nothing but a long letter filled with incriminations and a small, white, almost hairless dog, named Doggo. So now Dan is single, a man without any kind of partner whether working or in love. He's just one reluctant dog owner. Find a new home for him, that's the plan. But Doggo proves to be just as reluctant to go...

Reviewed by Leah on

3 of 5 stars

If you ask me what my favourite thing in books is, period, I will tell you dogs. I love dogs in anything, and most especially in books. So when I heard about Waiting For Doggo, I was cock-a-hoop! I love books with ugly dogs in even more than books with beautiful dogs. It’s like the book said – just because Doggo isn’t the best looking, doesn’t make him any less loveable or awesome. He’s just… Doggo!

I confess to not having a lot to say about Waiting For Doggo, it’s a relatively quick read, and I really quite enjoyed it. Daniel is a great narrator, and he came across really well, I couldn’t understand why Clara left him. He was lovely. Women, eh? Never happy. I loved hearing about his job, and his work with his creative partner Edie as they pitch for businesses (they’re ad people). Edie was a very surprising breathe of fresh air. Her and Daniel’s bond was just there, instantly, no effort which is the best kind.

But really the star of the show was Doggo. whether he was delivering post at the ad agency where Daniel worked, or sitting on the sofa, or crying over a Jennifer Aniston show, he was always there, always present, always reliable. He was just adorable, and I loved that he’s got his own Twitter account, that’s a dog who knows what he’s doing! I was a tad disappointed with the abrupt cliff-hangerish ending. Will there be a sequel? It felt like there should be, which I would gobble up in a heartbeat. It’s an adorable, quick read with loveable humans and dogs alike. Doggo will steal your heart.

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  • 15 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 15 October, 2014: Reviewed