Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

Janie and Brent's story concludes in this final thrilling prequel novella for the Sons Of Broad series.

Fast-paced, the loose ends from the previous novellas are tied up. Future protagonists are introduced, setting the scene for the remaining full-length novels in this series. So far, I'm totally hooked as I crave to know who the Gentleman is, securing my interest until the revealing of his identity. Numerous clues are revealed and as I've mentioned previously, I have a hunch who he may be...time will tell. Until then, I'll remain invested in the narrative and characters until the investigation into this enigmatic villain is solved.

If you love romantic suspense, I highly recommend this series by Tara Thomas. The intriguing narrative is a well-balanced mix of suspense and a sexy romance. I'm not usually a fan of novellas, but in this case, it worked for me, reading them back to back. The positive aspect of this style of introduction to a new series? Spreading much content to allow readers like me to absorb and understand who all the players are without feeling overwhelmed. I can't wait to dive into the next full-length instalment.

***arc generously received courtesy of St Martin's Paperbacks via NetGalley***

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  • 6 February, 2018: Reviewed