Your family can have great meals even when you are on the run. The ladies who brought you Don't Panic--Dinner's in the Freezer now offer busy cooks Don't Panic--Quick, Easy, and Delicious Meals for Your Family. From quick meals made on the grill or in the saute pan to crockpot dishes that require little prep and cook while you're out for the day, the recipes in this cookbook are tasty, nutritious, and require less hands-on preparation than traditional meals. Easy appetizers and desserts, one-dish casseroles and pastas, simple soups, salads, and side dishes, and even fast breakfasts round out the selections. Meals that are freezer-friendly are marked for those who want to make ahead. You don't have to settle for feeding your family commercially packaged meals full of sodium and preservatives or fat-laced fast food. Serve them quick and healthy meals from your very own kitchen with this easy-to-use cookbook.
I've been wishing for the Don't Panic Freezer Cookbooks for years, so when I stumbled across an opportunity to review their latest Don't Panic Cookbook I was ecstatic. After I read through it and realized that this was not a cook and freeze it cookbook I was a bit disappointed. While it is still an interesting cookbook with recipes that I can gear toward my family, it is definitely for a family with older children and not quite as easy to grab and go recipes. Another thing that startled me a bit is that many of these recipes were ones that I've already come across from other sources while called something different, but perhaps they are just past time recipes from another era.
But don't just go on my opinion. I know of dozens of other people who absolutely love it.
*Thanks to Revell Books for providing a copy for review.*
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