Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

A GIANT CALLED TINY is an early reader story about a giant named Tiny. He is one of the smallest giants in his home above the clouds. As a result, he is teased by the other giants and often has angry outbursts which anger his mother and place him in time out. Sitting alone at the top of the hill, the clouds clear, and he sees a beanstalk before it quickly disappears. He wonders what is below the clouds and decides to hike down the mountainside. Poo's descriptive tale of his descent will surely excite young readers as they anticipate what he will find. When Tiny finally emerges below the clouds, he discovers a place where he is no longer a "tiny" giant. There he meets a young boy named Jack, who is teased by his friends for being stupid. You see, he went to sell the cow and traded it for magical beans. Sound familiar? I loved the way Poo merged these two stories and two young boys who have similar problems. He magically offers invaluable lessons for Tiny and the reader. It's ok to be different, to accept yourself and how to handle the teasing from others. Poo did this while creating a story that will capture and hold the attention of young readers.

A GIANT CALLED TINY was a delightful tale with simple illustrations that bring the tale to life and aid your child's imagination.

Age Level: 6 plus

Grade Level: 1-3 (early chapter books)

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 10 March, 2017: Finished reading
  • 10 March, 2017: Reviewed