Robin Year One TP by Scott Beatty, Chuck Dixon

Robin Year One TP

by Scott Beatty and Chuck Dixon

Written by Chuck Dixon & Scott Beatty Art and cover by Javier Pulido & Robert Campanella A new printing of the classic tale of young Dick Grayson’s baptism by fire as he dons the costume of Robin for the first time! Becoming a hero is anything but easy! Advance-solicited; on August 13 • 200 pg, FC, $14.99 US

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

With some coaxing from my boyfriend I finally decided to read Robin Year One. I’m not all that much of a fan of any of the Robins, I know most of their basic history and what happened to them after the Robin title was dropped but that’s about it. Since I’ve given permission to let one of our future children have the name Grayson I figured it’s high time I actually read his story.

Robin Year One is definitely a must have for any Dick Grayson/Nightwing fan. It sheds some light on what his childhood was like under the tutelage of Bruce Wayne/Batman, and the subtle tension that begins to grow between them as he matures and takes on more of the crime fighting. It was interesting to see how well he dealt with maintaining a normal life as well as the persona of Robin. I was also a bit surprised at how high Batman’s standards were, which could definitely attest to the fact that Dick Grayson rose the occasion and did more than he had to.

I really appreciated the fact that Alfred is sort of narrating the story and we get to see how his relationship with Dick Grayson fills more of the father-figure role than Batman does. The art-style and script has a sort of classic Batman feel while still maintaining enough of a modern feel to be enjoyable and relevant.

I’m really glad that I finally sat down to read this. I’ll definitely check out Nightwing Year One and maybe even start on the New 52 storyline.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 13 November, 2013: Reviewed