Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

5 of 5 stars

I really loved Campaigning for Christopher. I didn't LOVE the characters in Crazy about Cameron because I couldn't really relate to at all. I have no idea what its like to be that rich and grow up like that. But, Jules was the exact opposite! Here is this girl who made a huge mistake and is trying to right that mistake. Many people would have never owned up to what they did; many of the few who did would have walked away after being treated so terribly by Christopher. Jules held strongly to her convictions. It was really great to see her grow throughout the book as well-to figure out her own personal flaws, her career goals, etc. Christopher is kind of an ass, but you do totally understand why. I can't imagine being able to trust Jules again. However, you see how hard she is trying and you so just want to tell Christopher to ease up on her! I didn't want this book to end! Campaigning for Christopher is everything I want in a contemporary romance-tension, slow burn, complex and deep characters, and white hot love!
POV: 3rd
Trope: fake relationship
Tears: I did cry a few times!
Cliffhanger: No

Other authors who are similar: Jill Shalvis, Bella Andre, Melanie Shawn

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  • Started reading
  • 17 November, 2015: Finished reading
  • 17 November, 2015: Reviewed