Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

Katy Regnery came on my radar with the release of Never Let You Go. I never got the chance to read this title, but based on the reviews I knew I had her my list of newly discovered authors. Then the opportunity arose for me to read Proposing to Preston and since then I have become a die hearted fan.

I was expecting Jonquils for Jax to be an enjoyable read and I was not disappointed. To say I loved it would be an understatement. I totally adored it. It was sweet, sexy, heartwarming and absolutely romantic. It was one of the quickest reads I have experienced in a long time. I read it in one sitting as I could not get enough. It was that good.

Jonquils for Jax demonstrates that love cannot be planned for. It happens when you least expect it and at times with the most unlikely person. Jacqueline Rosseau (Jax) an Oscar-winning producer had returned home to attend her brother’s wedding. She was not looking for romance, has she had been hurt in the past. She just wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood and enjoy the wedding. However, one of the guests had other ideas and tried to have his way with her. What she never expected that in her quest to avoid the advances of this particular guest that she would find love in the arms of a stranger.

From the moment Jax and Gardener (Gard) met sparks flew. However, her issues with trust would rear its head, causing her to doubt her safety with this enigmatic stranger. I enjoyed the interaction between Jax and Gard. It was funny, sexy and romantic. The dialogue was refreshing and their banter endearing. Although they were as different as night and day, I thought they were perfect for each other. They had lot more in common than they knew. They both had issues from their past dealing with and were not willing to let down their guards around each other. However, they would soon discover that love conquers all.

Ms. Regnery creates characters that are real and relatable. Her style of writing is not only beautiful but hypnotic. I was pulled in from the first line and was disappointed when it came to an end. Like all her books that I have read thus far, Jonquils for Jax is filled with steamy romance, deep-seated emotions, and great family connections. Although it was somewhat predictable, I was hooked.

Verdict: If you enjoy sweet and heartfelt romance that transcends social barriers, then you will love this book.

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  • 7 August, 2016: Finished reading
  • 7 August, 2016: Reviewed