Reviewed by nitzan_schwarz on

5 of 5 stars

For this review and more, pop by my blog - Drugs Called Books

Here is a book I knew I wanted to read the second I read the title. I found it b accident, and I'm so glad I did. As someone who feels like "the funny fat friend", this book was perfect for me. Now, do not mistake; Brody, the main characters, does not find Hayley “fat”. That’s Hayley’s idea of herself.
I came out of the read feeling hopeful and happy for myself, which I think is a wonderful thing.
More than half the time, girls who think they’re fat really aren’t. They’re just fatter than the skinniest chick in school. And even that girl thinks she’s fat. So when Hayley, my signing partner in American Sign Language shrugs off Josh moo-ing at her as she walks in the room, that’s when I figure this girl… isn’t like most girls.
First paragraph of Reasons I Fell for the Funny Fat Friend.

Brody, the guy, is the one who narrates this book. This is one of the only books I’ve read in which the point of view is the guy’s. And unlike the other few I read, here I loved it.

Brody’s voice is very authentic. He sounds and acts like the teenager he is, only he happens to be just the greatest guy! He is sweet, shy in an adorable way, unaware of how attractive he is (he’s got a six pack, for goodness sake!) and really clueless when it comes to girls. He’s also perceptive and attentive. Really, I wouldn’t mind dating him at all :)

Hayley, the main girl is... me. She's insecure about herself and doesn't really believe someone like Brody can really love her, the FFF (Funny fat friend). It gets to the point that when someone calls her fat, even though she really isn't all that fat, she doesn't mind because she just accepts it. She's very good in the matters of the heart--all but her own, of course. She's funny and quirky and cute, and I absolutely loved her.

Their relationship was wonderful to me. It happened fast, I'll tell you that, but it was so believable and freaking cute and adorable that I couldn't care less. Plus, they spend so much time together, just getting to know one another, that it felt like they knew each other much longer. They didn't just fall for one another. It's not a baseless love, where you don't understand why they fall for each other, and their reasons for loving aren't shallow. It's not about looks or statue. It's about each other.

Each chapter's title is a reason why Brody fell for Hayley, which is another thing I adore about this book. The reasons are really funny, but also true. For example; she can sign language the word 'balls', she kicks-ass at video games, she goes to look at bloody pictures of people when she feels down to remind her other people has it so much worse. He falls for who she is, quirkiness and self-doubt and everything. He falls for what makes her, her. I love those kind of things.

Also, as this book was from Brody's POV, we got to see some wonderful things, such as how suddenly she became the most beautiful girl in the world to him, even though other people may refer to her as fat or chubby. I think this really sums up love perfectly--theirs and other's-- seeing the other person as beautiful no matter what.

Now, if that's not enough, these two have got some HOT kisses! I'm serious, I needed to fan myself when they were kissing! (also, we've got sex, but the fade-to-black kind so don't worry). I loved reading the after sex part, when they wake up. Seriously, I love this due.

Okay, enough about the romance (even though it was sooo swoon worthy -.^)

Another thing I really liked about this book, is that there is no 'Big Bad Villain' threatening their relationship. Their obstacles are their own feelings about themselves, and they work through them.

There are not enough words for me to express the great LOVE I have for this book! Aside for me being able to connect to the characters 100%, it was also just so funny, fluffy, and just damn adorable. And this book made me think that even the “Funny Fat Friend” deserves her happy ever after~

For this review and more, pop by my blog - Drugs Called Books

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  • 31 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 31 January, 2013: Reviewed