The Sword of Kaigen by M L Wang

The Sword of Kaigen (Theonite)

by M. L. Wang

On a mountainside at the edge of the Kaigenese Empire live the most powerful warriors in the world, superhumans capable of raising the sea and wielding blades of ice. For hundreds of years, the fighters of the Kusanagi Peninsula have held the Empire's enemies at bay, earning their frozen spit of land the name 'The Sword of Kaigen.'

Born into Kusanagi's legendary Matsuda family, fourteen-year-old Mamoru has always known his purpose: to master his family's fighting techniques and defend his homeland. But when an outsider arrives and pulls back the curtain on Kaigen's alleged age of peace, Mamoru realizes that...

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Reviewed by luddite on

5 of 5 stars

Interesting world. Good fighting. Great character arcs. Highly recommend.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 August, 2021: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2021: Reviewed