Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

4 of 5 stars

It’s easy to see how Domino and a vampire could get confused. At least at first glance. I’ll admit I’m still chuckling about the decision to throw that little dilemma into the last issue.
Honestly, I keep forgetting that vampires exist in the Marvel universe. Which is stupid, because I adore Blade. So you’d think I’d remember. Oh well. Speaking of though, has anybody else noticed an increased number of references to vampires and to Blade lately? We all know what that must mean, and I couldn’t be more excited (hint hint: read this week’s Avengers issue).
It was interesting to see Domino and her team interact with a vampire. Their sass and a Morbius’ stoicism…it’s an interesting combination to put it mildly.
I’ll be curious to see where this plot ends up leading us. It seems like it’s about to tie into something else. At least, it felt like they were implying that.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 November, 2018: Finished reading
  • 15 November, 2018: Reviewed