Death's Shadow by Darren Shan

Death's Shadow (The Demonata, #7)

by Darren Shan

Fresh hell from the Demonata - you can't cheat death..."I'm a human sponge -- I soak up memories. I feel like a thief, stealing secrets with an innocent touch. I don't like this gift. It's intrusive and sneaky. I think it's harmless, but I can't be sure. If knowledge is power, why do I feel so alone!?" The apocalypse came and the world burned. But it wasn't the end, and out of the destruction, new life has emerged. Bec is back to face the Demonata. After centuries of imprisonment, she's more powerful than ever, but the demons no longer...Read more

Reviewed by celinenyx on

4 of 5 stars

It's been ages since I last read a Demonata book, but there was enough recounting previous happenings that I had no issues getting back into the action. The narrator of Death's Shadow is Bec, one of my favourite characters of the series. We learn more about the elusive Shadow, who made even Lord Loss to bow before him. The situation is becoming more and more dire, and the Disciples are keeling over like flies. Only three more books left in the series! Wonder who will be left standing by the end.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 28 May, 2014: Reviewed