Angel Time by Anne Rice

Angel Time (The Songs of the Seraphim, #1)

by Anne Rice

'[W]hen I found Rice's work I absolutely loved how she took that genre and (...) made [it] feel so contemporary and relevant' Sarah Pinborough, bestselling author of Behind Her Eyes

'[Rice wrote] in the great tradition of the gothic' Ramsey Campbell, bestselling author of The Hungry Moon

Toby O'Dare - Lucky the Fox - is a contract killer of underground fame. In his youth Lucky had dreamt of being a priest, instead he fell into a life danger and violence.

Living under a series of aliases he long ago lost any sense of his true self, becoming a pawn to 'The Right Man, a contractor of dark and unknown allegiances.

Lucky has one place where he can be without disguise, but his latest assignment is at this sanctuary, The Mission Inn. And it is an order to kill. Into this nightmarish world of lone and lethal missions, comes a mysterious stranger, a seraph, who offers him a chance to save lives, rather than destroy them. Now he has his chance to repair the damage of his past.

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

3 of 5 stars

I think I can safely say Anne Rice is one of my favorite authors of all time. The vampires, the witches...I read everything she wrote and loved it all. Then she found Religion, or God, doesn't matter. Bye bye went anything occult and in came God and the angels. This book was just OK for me, I don't think her novels since the conversion have had the same intensity, they have lost something in my opinion and that is a real shame. I enjoyed this one enough that I will check out the next in the series, but it is not anywhere near as good as her previous works. :(

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  • Started reading
  • 5 February, 2010: Finished reading
  • 5 February, 2010: Reviewed