Reviewed by ibeforem on

5 of 5 stars

I’m not gonna lie. If you are easily offended or the slightest bit prudish, don’t read this book. But if you can look at life with a sense of humor and aren’t afraid of some cuss words and frank talk about sex and relationships, then you should pick up this book. I’ve been listening to Keith and the Girl’s podcasts for almost a year and the chemistry that makes them so good in audio and on-screen makes them just as good on paper. They tackle topics that range from handling money and household issues to inner and outer beauty to sex and kink to marriage, in-laws, and kids. There’s no conventional wisdom here, just straight talk, simple answers, and plenty of laughs.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 April, 2010: Finished reading
  • 5 April, 2010: Reviewed