Grow by Lynne Franks


by Lynne Franks

Learning to juggle your career and relationships, while living a healthy, fulfilled life, has created a whole new set of circumstances that are unique to the modern woman. At the same time we are living in a world that needs the balance of feminine energy at its most powerful to create a sustainable, positive future for humankind.

Lynne Franks's new book, GROW, is aimed at women of all ages, who wish to get back in touch with their feminine centre, where they remember how to connect, firstly with themselves and the divine; secondly with their families and loved ones, and thirdly with their local and global communities. It is an encyclopaedic examination of all of the issues that face a woman of the 21st century, including health and wellbeing, spirituality, career, relationship, sexuality, family, community and social change.

GROW, based on the colourful format of the author's previous bestselling book, The SEED Handbook, contains fun exercises, stories, and guidance to take its reader through a ten-part programme. Throughout the book Lynne tells her personal story. GROW will enable each reader to reach the Gorgeous Real Original Woman inside and help her to find her life's purpose, happiness, and joy.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

This is one of those books that has become quite popular in the last number of years, a book about self-exploration and learning more about yourself. It's also a mish-mash of different cultures and has a fairly rigid view of women and their role.

Interesting to read but to be taken with a grain of salt.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 September, 2009: Finished reading
  • 6 September, 2009: Reviewed