Reviewed by Stephanie on

4 of 5 stars

Roan is a Celtic king who, over two millenia ago, was cursed to be a goblin king. When he is summoned, he must answer. As time has passed, the summoners have become fewer as less people believe in him. A few years ago he was summoned by a girl to save her from unwanted attention. Now he finds himself being summoned by the same woman. This time she needs rescued from her controlling and abusive fiance and, in a last ditch effort to break the curse, he needs a willing queen.

Eliza knows quite a bit about suffering. She's the only remaining member of her family. When she was a teenager she may have been partially responsible for her brother's best friend's death. Eliza unwittingly helped her fiance set up an account so that he could embezzle money from her father's law firm. Now she's engaged and he can blackmail her into doing anything. In a desperate and drunken attempt to leave her current situation she calls out to the one man she was never supposed to see again. Roan takes her to his home in the Shadowlands.

Life in the Shadowlands is pretty bleak. Eliza was to intoxicated to understand what she had asked when she called upon Roan for the second time. She is introduced to the horror that has been Roan's life. The Shadowlands are filled with hoards of goblins who would murder for a small golden coin. There is no life, vegetation or hope. It is a place filled with nightmares. The druid who wrongfully cursed Roan is also stuck in the Shadowlands. Roan and the remaining two of his six men have found a cave to live in and avoid most conflicts. It's also bought them some time to research ways to break the curse. Eliza may be able to help break the curse but does she have the courage?

The Goblin King is the first book that I've read that has featured a goblin as the hero. Actually, I think this was the first book I've read that contained a goblin at all. I went into it with an open mind. I've learned my lesson on judging before reading: vampires with the BDB and demons in the Demonica series. The Goblin King didn't disappoint. Husk manages to make Roan sexy and irresistible even when his skin is gray, his ears are long and he has to fight the gold madness. I loved learning about his history and the cause of his curse.

Eliza bugged me a little at first. She seemed to have no backbone. Her fiance Steve ruled her life and held her captive. It seemed that if Eliza had addressed the blackmail issue when it started, her life could have been her own. But she made a mistake and now she pays for it everyday. She doesn't even have a say in any of the wedding planning. When Eliza is with Roan she is a different person and she even dares to dream.

I enjoyed watching Eliza and Roan work through their problems. They have quite a few. Roan is protective and wants to care for Eliza. Eliza wants to help Roan but she doesn't know how. Husk does a great job of keeping the tension going. I was on the edge of my seat until the end. Readers of paranormal romance looking for something different will enjoy The Goblin King!

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  • 28 September, 2011: Finished reading
  • 28 September, 2011: Reviewed