Reviewed by chymerra on

5 of 5 stars

The Forgotten Tales starts off in Canada, with Pip, Forsyth and their daughter, Alis. They are doing alright for themselves.Forsyth does get homesick, once in a while, even though Pip goes out of her way to make his favorite dishes and wants him to write down the nursery rhymes that he sings to Alis.

The only bane in their otherwise peaceful existence is The Writer, Elgar Reed, the author of The Tales of Kintyre Turn. He is trying to for a relationship with Pip, Forsyth and Alis…ever since he found out that Forsyth was actually from the book. Forsyth refuses to have anything to do with him. The reason? Well because Forsyth is unbelievably angry at him for how his character was written in the book. To be honest, even though Forsyth had every reason to be angry at Elgar, I did think he went a little over the edge. All Elgar wanted to be was his friend and wanted to know more about him. But going over the line and stalking him….well, that’s not cool.

While all this is happening, a very angry Deal-Maker named Solinde is going around Hain and causing all sorts of havoc there. She is stealing people’s magic and Words and using them to destroy totems. She is destroying them to get someone she had lost back. But the more totems she destroys, the more upset and angry she gets. She also blames Kintyre and Bevel for her misery and is hatching a plan to get back at them.

As that is happening in Hain, Forsyth notices something very strange happening in his new world. Books are disappearing at an alarming rate and people are forgetting that they even exist. Pip thinks that he is slowly losing it, seeing that she doesn’t remember the books. Seeing that he will have no support in Pip, he makes a phone call the Elgar Reed. And Elgar Reed is seeing the same thing that Forsyth is.

Pip is none too thrilled to have Reed at her house but once she realizes that if Reed’s story disappears, she will lose them both, she changes her tune. Just as Reed offers to write Forsyth back into the book, they are pulled back into the book.

We find out that Kintyre has a son, named Wyndam and the result of a tryst between himself and Isobin, a pirate. Wyndam has called a Deal Maker to summon Forsyth back home so Wyndam can go adventuring with his father. Unfortunately, the Deal Maker that he summons is Solinde and that didn’t go very well.

I am not going to go into the book from this point on. We do see more of Bevel and Kintyre’s relationship (which was awesome to have a LGBT relationship featured so heavily in this book). We also get a closer look at the relationships that the children (Wyndam and Alis) have with each of their parents and parent’s partners.

There are unexpected allies and a very unexpected villain that shows up. To say I was shocked when the villain made and appearance and took over Solinde’s place would be an understatement.

The ending was fantastic and I loved it!!! The author couldn’t have written a better ending!! And the last chapter really has me looking forward to the next book!!!

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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  • Started reading
  • 5 December, 2016: Finished reading
  • 5 December, 2016: Reviewed