The Language Of Spells by Sarah Painter

The Language Of Spells

by Sarah Painter

When you are ready, seek and you shall find. It is your gift.

Gwen Harper left Pendleford thirteen years ago and hasn’t looked back. Until an inheritance throws her into the mystical world she thought she’d escaped. Confronted with her great-aunt’s legacy, Gwen must finally face up to her past.

The magic she has long tried to suppress is back with a vengeance but, gift or burden, for Gwen it always spells trouble. She has to stay – she has nowhere else to go – but how can she find her place in the town that drove her out after branding her a witch…?

Praise for Sarah Painter

‘Sarah Painter is a talented new writer, and her debut is a charming, romantic and intriguing story, with a little touch of magic. It had me enchanted.’ - Clodagh Murphy

'This really was a fantastic debut novel… The language was also simple but elegant and meant that the story flowed seamlessly. I honestly could not put it down.' – Laura's Little Book Blog

'The plot had great twists and turns and when I thought I had the story figured out, the story would go in a different direction and surprise me. I didn’t want to put it down and the further I got into the book, the harder it was to stop reading… A wonderful debut novel and I’m looking forward to reading the next one.' – Novel Kicks

'I thoroughly enjoyed The Secret of Ghosts. It was just as magical and just as enjoyable as The Language of Spells and I am soooooo glad Sarah Painter decided to go back to Pendleford. … I really do love magical fiction and I think Sarah Painter is one of the best at giving you a realistic look at magic and all that comes with it.' – Chick Lit Reviews on The Secrets of Ghosts

Don't miss the second book in this sparkling duet: The Secrets of Ghosts out now!

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

When Sarah Painter emailed me to ask if I was interested in reviewing her debut novel The Language of Spells, I took one look at the pretty cover, read the synopsis and knew it was the book for me! I’m not a massive fan of witchcraft in general, but if it’s done well I can totally get on board with it and it’s something I enjoy reading about. As long as it’s not too in depth, I’m good! So I was so pleased to receive Sarah’s novel to read as I loved the sound of The Language of Spells. It sounded brilliant, especially as I loved Gwen’s aspect of magic which is ‘finding’, she can find things. That’s AWESOME! Obviously it’s a bit of both – a gift and a curse, but I was interested in why Gwen had suppressed her skill for so long, what it was that turned her away from the magical life.

As soon as I started The Language of Spells, I was hooked! I loved Gwen, I loved Pendleford (well, most of it – the nosy neighbours who walked into Gwen’s house without knocking set me on edge because that would personally drive me NUTS, so nuts that I would never unlock my door, ever!), and I loved Gwen’s house! But most of all I really loved Cameron Laing. I felt he blew hot and cold a bit, but I loved him so much! He sounded like a bit of a bad boy and I quite like a bad boy every now and again. The way he and Gwen connected was amazing, I loved their chemistry, even after so many years apart, it was as if they’d never been apart, to be fair. Despite the fact we never see them as their teenage selves, it’s as if they just fit back in to how their life was before it all went pear-shaped; you could easily imagine the passion and love they had for each other when they were younger.

The novel isn’t just about Gwen, though, there’s a secondary part about Gwen’s niece Katie which I found fascinating and absorbing. It was especially great as Katie’s mum, Ruby, wasn’t interested in the slightest in letting Katie know about the Harper family secret, so it was nice of Gwen to be real with Katie, to let her in on the secret and teach her a few bits and bobs. I also really enjoyed Iris’s diaries, I actually wished we had had more of them because I could easily have read an entire novel worth of Iris’s diaries as they were so fascinating! I reckon if Sarah Painter ever wanted to release that, all the readers of The Language of Spells would be interested because Iris was a massive character and her insights were fascinating and I certainly wanted to know more!

I thoroughly enjoyed The Language of Spells, it was full of fabulous characters, it had a really interesting plot and it was so well written! I can’t actually believe this is Sarah Painter’s debut novel as it was really well written, I enjoyed her writing immensely and will definitely be looking for future books! Here’s hoping there’s one in the pipeline already! This is a little gem of a book, and every time I had to put it down I was sad because I just wanted to continue reading and get it finished because it was that enjoyable! The Language of Spells is a really great novel so do pick it up, it’s well worth your time!

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  • 7 June, 2013: Finished reading
  • 7 June, 2013: Reviewed