Justice for Boone by Susan Stoker

Justice for Boone (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes, #6)

by Susan Stoker

Sheriff's Deputy Hayden Yates has worked hard to gain the respect and admiration of her fellow law enforcement officers. She's succeeded so well, in fact, that she's become just one of the guys. As her friends slowly begin to meet their soul mates, Hayden longs to be seen as a desirable woman, and not the tomboy she's always been.

No slouch when it comes to attracting the opposite sex, cowboy Boone Hatcher might want to give it a rest for a while, especially after his last girlfriend accuses him of domestic abuse. Deputy Yates sees right through his ex's ruse-and Boone sees right through Deputy Yates. Hayden might seem all business, but her need for justice comes from a heart that beats with pure passion.

A few dates turn into something more, and as the couple's relationship deepens, so do the threats from his ex. It's up to Hayden to convince Boone the danger is real...before jealous antics escalate to deadly obsession.

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars

Link to full review below! I adore Stoker's books and I love that she has taken on the topics in this book! Female cop, male abuse victim! And she does it in a way that doesn't diminish either person! See full review on The Book Disciple

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  • Started reading
  • 10 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 10 September, 2016: Reviewed