Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Elizabeth DeMarco is a research botonist who's soul purpose for being in the Amazon jungle was to try and find plant life that would garner the cure for cancer. She's left everything and everyone behind in hopes of saving others like she couldn't save her mother or sister. The cause is noble, but even from the very beginning seemed a little shortsighted.

When the Amazon warriors rescue her from a kidnapping attempt, she figures she's been saved. She didn't know that she was just in another form of kidnapping. She never attempts to escape, just keeps going on doing her research, blah, blah, blah.

It's not until her jilted lover/boyfriend, Logan Spencer, is brought into the Amazon Valley that Elizabeth develops a sense of needing to run away from the Amazons. Suddenly, the possibility of Logan being gang raped by a bunch of crazy women has lit a fire under Elizabeth to get the hell out of Dodge.

Logan is one of those men that we all hope our significant others will be should some dyer situation come up where we're missing. He never gave up looking for Elizabeth. She broke his heart and left him, but he takes every opportunity to trudge through the Amazon jungle looking for her. Despite the anger he felt when she left him, he still knew that Elizabeth was the one for him and just about sprayed her with his desire. Logan was hot, I'm just not sure Elizabeth was the the one for him.

A lot is crammed into this short read. While the premise of the storyline is promising, I just couldn't get past my dislike of Elizabeth to fully enjoy what was happening.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 January, 2012: Finished reading
  • 30 January, 2012: Reviewed