Charlie All Night by Jennifer Crusie

Charlie All Night

by Jennifer Crusie

Dumped by her boyfriend and demoted from WBBB's prime-time spot, radio producer Allie McGuffey has nowhere to go but up. She plans to make her comeback by turning temporary DJ Charlie Tenniel into a household name. And if he's willing to help cure her breakup blues with a rebound fling, that's an added bonus.

Charlie just wants to kick back, play good tunes and eat Chinese food. He's not interested in becoming famous. But he is interested in Allie. And after all, what harm is a little chemistry between friends?

But suddenly their one-night stand has become a four-week addiction. Night after night on the airwaves, his voice seduces her...and all the other women in town. He's a hit. It looks as if Charlie's solved all Allie's problems...except one. What is she going to do when he leaves?

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

4 of 5 stars

So much fun. Love the late-night call-in radio show. The friendships and food are, as always, key parts. There’s only one thing that could have been better— the bet for no sex means Allie and Charlie talk less without sex than they do with the sex, and that’s by far the best part, the talk with the sex. A top-shelf Crusie for me, for sure.

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  • 29 April, 2018: Reviewed