Birthday Suit by Olive Senior

Birthday Suit

by Olive Senior

Johnny loves nothing better than splashing in the ocean waves--naked. But Mom says now that he's four he's too old to run around without clothes on. She even buys him a pair of overalls with genuine 100 percent child-proof snap fasteners! But they're no match for Johnny as he wriggles out of them. Johnny's father explains that big boys wear clothes. Doesn't he want to be big like Dad? As Johnny gazes up, he decides that wearing clothes may be a small price to pay to reach such heights. Everyone is happy as Johnny practices putting on his clothes. And now when he runs into the ocean, he makes sure to take his red swimsuit--but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll always wear it! Imbued with the lilt of the Caribbean and featuring illustrations that capture the warmth and humor of the text, this charming picture book is sure to amuse young children--naked or not!

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

This is cute with plenty of rhymes and rhythm through out this book is all about teaching a no longer toddler about the importance of wearing clothes. While my kiddos do not run around in a full birthday suit often, they do get down to their diaper and this would be a great and fun way to start introducing that clothing is important and can be fun in it's own way as well.

*Thanks to Annick Press for loaning an electronic copy for review through Netgalley.*


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  • Started reading
  • 28 March, 2012: Finished reading
  • 28 March, 2012: Reviewed