Storm by Brigid Kemmerer

Storm (Elemental, #1)

by Brigid Kemmerer

"This book will take your breath away." --Kim Harrington, author of Clarity and Perception

Becca Chandler is suddenly getting all the guys--all the ones she doesn't want. Ever since her ex-boyfriend spread those lies about her.

Then she saves Chris Merrick from a beating in the school parking lot. Chris is different. Way different: he can control water--just like his brothers can control fire, wind, and earth. They're powerful. Dangerous. Marked for death.

And now that she knows the truth, so is Becca.

Secrets are hard to keep when your life's at...Read more

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2013: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2013: Reviewed