Pawn Of Prophecy by David Eddings

Pawn Of Prophecy (Belgariad, #1)

by David Eddings

BOOK 1 OF THE BELGARIAD, the worldwide bestselling fantasy series by one of the godfathers of the tradition. Discover the epic stories that inspired generations of fantasy writers - from Raymond Feist's The Riftwar Cycle to George R. R. Martin's A Game of Thrones.

A battle is coming...

...And in that battle shall be decided
the fate of the world

Myths tell of the ancient wars of Gods and men, and a powerful object – the Orb – that ended the bloodshed. As long as it was held by the line of Riva, it would assure the peace.

But a dark force has stolen the Orb, and the prophecies tell of war.

Young farm boy Garion knows nothing of myth or fate. But then the mysterious Old Storyteller visits his aunt, and they embark on a sudden journey. Pursued by evil forces, with only a small band of companions they can trust, Garion begins to doubt all he thought he knew...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Yes the casual assumption that all races whatever is lazy but overall this was an entertaining yarn. Young farm boy gets hauled off on a quest to help save the world from evil, in this book he doesn't discover who he is but there are heavy hints. The story takes itself lightly and I still love Polgara deeply.

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  • Started reading
  • 24 May, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 May, 2016: Reviewed