Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars


Talk about a rocky start…

Oh boy!! Ladies and Gents, take a seat and fasten your seatbelts. This is going to be one rocky review.

Bloody Hell!!

In the nicest possible way…I did not like the first 30% of Errant Spark. We are forced to read through a mess of explanations, introductions and word creations (?!?) that made my eyes roll, when they weren’t squinting. There were times where I was scratching my head in confusion.

You know how when there’s an alternate world and you need to create words for that world? Well, I suggest you don’t modify words just for the sake of modifying words. I was completely distracted trying to work out why you would change words by two letters, just to be different. What words should you change when creating the world? Is it necessary? Maybe I’m not cut out to be a fantasy reader, because, to me, I just scrunched my nose up, thinking…WHY? I know the author is trying to be original, but it just felt unnecessary.

To be honest, I was going to give up numerous times in the first 30%, but there was this little part of me that was curious to know more. At first, I was convinced I was about to read a version of *Fantasy Porn*. The main character (the dude on the front cover with dark hair) likes to get it on with the ladies. He has a “reputation” and works hard to live up to it. I was not a huge fan of Jex (our dark haired hero) in the beginning. He comes across as flighty, irresponsible and a wee bit self-absorbed. Yeah, he's good looking and a powerful Battlemage, but talk about ego.

Let’s step to the side for a sec…I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can be reading a book and thinking, wait a sec, are you the main character? I sometimes go into a book blind. I’ve bought or picked a book, and it’s been sitting on my Kindle for a while, and I’ve forgotten what it’s about. So, in this case, I knew Jex was the hero, but every time he got it on with a woman (not THAT many, but a couple) or met a woman, I was curious if she was “the one”. I eventually found "the one".

Anyways, I have gone completely off course and I’m making absolutely no bloody sense…back to the story. So, at first I’m thinking *Fantasy Porn*. Well, I can confirm that there is plenty of shenanigans to keep you entertained but it's not *Fantasy Porn*. When we finally get past the first 30%, the introduction fog starts to clear…


Aha, here comes the magic.

We go gangbusters from here and I AM SUCKED IN BIG TIME! Action, adventure, murder, mystery and mayhem. Who is behind all the murders that are being committed? Who will stop them? Is it magic? A curse? The enemy placing a spy within the castle walls? I admit I did guess one of the dodgy characters, but I have a feeling we're going to meet a few more in future books.

Ummm…I forgot to mention our heroine, Enari…and...well, that's all I'm giving you, her name. All I’m going to say is that I liked her. She’s original and I loved to see the changes that take place from the beginning to the end.

I was offered an ARC yonky donks ago but bought it instead. Me, being the slack ar$e reviewer that I am, I’m only getting to it now. I was prompted when the author messaged me to say that book 2 was coming out. Feeling a little guilty that I hadn’t got to it yet, I decided to get cracking. Obviously, I was less than impressed with the beginning but I absolutely loved it by the end.

Eventually, we are treated to an epic story of magic and mystery, with characters that jumped off the page. I could see them, felt I knew them and wanted to know more about them. The ending leaves us with questions unanswered, but it’s pretty safe to say that Jex and Enari ARE ON!!

If you don’t mid wading through a bit of a swampy start, Errant Spark will leave you feeling like you’ve walked through a field of wildflowers. HAHAHAHA!! Ok, not really. More like a trek to the middle earth (LOR), with a stay at Red Keep (GOT), that ends with a wee bit of sparky spark and a little hanky panky too.

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • 30 June, 2017: Reviewed