The Firm New Edition by John Grisham

The Firm New Edition (Penguin Joint Venture Readers S.)

by John Grisham

Mitch McDeere is a young, intelligent and ambitious lawyer. When he gets a job with a top law firm in Memphis he is delighted. But soon Mitch discovers that the firm is listening to his phone calls, and the FBI want to speak to him ...It is impossible to put this book down. It has also been released as a major film starring Tom Cruise.

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

4 of 5 stars

The firm was one of the first John Grisham books that I read and I just loved it. It made me into a giant fan of his. Grisham writes the best legal thrillers I have ever read.

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  • 26 April, 2011: Reviewed
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  • 26 April, 2011: Reviewed