Voice Of Crow by Jeri Smith-Ready

Voice Of Crow (Aspect of Crow, #3)

by Jeri Smith-Ready

In pain, in fear, in longing and surprise--with every death Rhia hears the cries of the departed. This 'gift' from the ancient and mysterious Crow gives Rhia an intimate connection to death. One she's fought to repress as she tries to create a normal life.

But those chosen by the spirits can never be normal. Rhia has glimpsed the future of her newborn son--a child who is stolen from her. And if she must deaden her heart to the living and wander the world of the departed to retrieve him, then so be it.

For her family and her people, Rhia would sacrifice anything. And Crow knows it--.

Reviewed by Linda on

5 of 5 stars

This one was truly heartbreaking! After all they had been through in the first book, Marek and Rhia had loads of more heartache coming their way. The first time they left their tiny son, Nilik, with other pepole in order to get some adult-time, he was kidnapped by Descendants. And Marek decided to go with him when he caught up with the kidnappers and they wouldn't let him have his son back.

Alanka had a hard time believing she still deserved Wolf's spirit, and only felt more or less complete when she was with Filip, the Descendant who stayed after the battle, having decided he would not dishonour his family by coming back home crippled.

Even more excitement and fights than in the first book, and a allover more sad feel to it as well. However, JS-R is such an awesome writer I still truly loved it all. Even the hard and complicated parts of the plot were beautifully written, and really made sense in view of the story she was telling.

This is becoming one of my all-time favourite series!

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  • Started reading
  • 22 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 22 August, 2011: Reviewed