Branded by Keary Taylor

Branded (Fall of Angels, #1)

by Keary Taylor

On the remote shores of Lake Samish hides a woman losing touch with reality. Haunted by violent dreams of angels, standing judgment for the sins of others, Jessica has resorted to a life of solitude and nightmares.

But when two men she can’t ignore enter her life, everything changes, including the afterlife that calls to her. Can she hide the physical scars that follow her into the land of the living from the enigmatic and easygoing Alex? And why is her gorgeous and assertive new neighbor, Cole, so fascinated with her?

A chance at love sits within reach, but the clock is ticking, and it might not be long until Jessica stands her own judgment and becomes the object of her greatest fear.

Reviewed by Kelly on

3 of 5 stars

Great story, where angels are beings to fear, rather than to marvel in their beauty, but sadly I just couldn't lose myself within the story. Found myself skimming over passages. Will come back to the series and will read the second novel after a break.

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  • 30 September, 2012: Reviewed