Sex and the Kitty by

Sex and the Kitty

A hilarious feline memoir charting Nancy the Cat’s transformation from small-town kitty into celebrity glamour-puss.

Even as a kitten, Nancy knew she was different. Unlike her peers, who were content to hunt mice and sunbathe all day, Nancy was born with a thirst for adventure.

She first tastes local fame after hitching rides in strangers' cars and visiting neighborhood pubs, but soon the fearless feline has started a blog, become a Facebook sensation, and dipped her paw in the world of show business. With the help of an agent, she moves to London and meets Baron Romeo III, the country's #1 cat actor. Will they be the Brad and Angelina of the cat world?

A purr-fect gift for the legions who adore LOLCats, and for anyone who ever dreamed of being famous and meeting Mr. Right, Sex and the Kitty is an irresistibly catty mélange of silliness, wit, and feline charm.

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

Despite the fact Sex and the Kitty is billed as a ‘meowmoir’, I’m not necessarily sure how much of it is actually real, actually genuine. It’s obviously not all real – Cats don’t have thumbs ergo cats can’t use a computer(!). But it’s a fun and quick read and I must admit, despite the unbelievability of it all, I thoroughly enjoyed Nancy’s tale. It’s the kind of book where you can just kick back and read it and not worry about anything. You just get lost in the (sorry Nancy) Kittylicious tale. I mean, there has never been a better book about a cat. I’m generally a dog person, but I was very much taken in by Nancy’s tale to become a celebrity and I admired her panache. Not many people can pull off making their own team (Team Nancy!) without sounding conceited!

Sex and the Kitty took me a couple of days to read on my Kindle, but in reality it’s the kind of book that will merely take a couple of hours, coming in just short of 200 pages. I think anybody who loves cats will eat up Nancy’s tale, because it’s ridiculously cute. It made me laugh and it made me smile, and I definitely hope Nancy writes a sequel. She could totally write a fiction novel next, actually. I’d very much love to know who did write this, because whoever did really must love cats and really managed to make this a wonderful cat novel. I loved Nancy, I loved germ-phobic Brambles, loved all the cute cats that made up the book. You’ll not read a sweeter book this year, this is a purrfect (again, sorry) kitty meowmoir and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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  • 8 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2011: Reviewed